
Chinese Cotton Yarn Imports Leap 162.6% In October

China imported approximately 170,000 tons of cotton yarn in October 2023, a decrease of 10,000 tons month-on-month, but a massive year-on-year hike of 162.6 percent.

In the first ten months of the current year, China imported around 1.38 million tons of cotton yarn, thereby recording a significant increase of 21.2 percent.

It is estimated that based on the current import pace, total import volume of cotton yarn for the whole year may reach 1.5 million tons.

Out of the various countries from which China imports cotton yarn, Vietnam has the biggest share, followed by India, Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

Among various counts of cotton yarn that is imported, counts between 8 and 25 of carded cotton yarn, account for more than 45 percent of all cotton yarn imports

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