
Cotton Output To Be Up 33% In Three West African Countries

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in its latest report has indicated that cotton production in three key cotton producing West African countries is expected to be 2.06 million bales, up 33 percent year on year.

Cotton output in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Senegal is forecast to rise in the 2023-24 season, although cotton acreage is expected to be the same as in the 2022-23 season at 1.23 million hectares.

Cotton acreage in Mali in 2023-24 is projected to be 720,000 hectares, up 21 percent year on year and the output is expected to be 1.33 million bales, up a massive 77 percent over the earlier season.

The cotton harvest area in Burkina Faso is expected to be 490,000 hectares, down 21 percent from the previous season, and output is forecast at 707,000 bales, a year-on-year decrease of 10 percent.

According to USDA, Senegal’s cotton cultivation area is projected at 18,000 hectares, a rise of 6 percent and output is expected to be 30,000 bales, a climb of 20 percent year over year.

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