
Enhancing Cotton Supply Chain: New Collaboration with Abrapa and ANEA

In their ongoing pursuit of excellence in production processes, the company has taken another significant step forward in the cotton supply chain. Last week, they welcomed representatives from Abrapa (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão) and ANEA (Associação Nacional dos Exportadores de Algodão) to Santos, a city responsible for 98.6% of international cotton fiber shipments.

During the discussions, logistical challenges were addressed with partner companies as part of the ABR-Log program. This initiative extends socio-environmental certification to retro port terminals, ensuring adherence to the best practices outlined in the ABR (Responsible Brazilian Cotton) protocol, which already certifies over 80% of their farms.

According to ANEA, 2.8 million tons of cotton are expected to be exported between July 2024 and June 2025, averaging 233 thousand tons per month.
The ABR-Log program further integrates the cotton production chain into a protocol of social and environmental sustainability, building on the existing ABR and ABR-UBA certifications already in place on Brazilian farms.

Moving forward, the company will implement improvements to ensure their customers around the world receive cotton fiber with increasingly higher quality standards, from planting to shipping.

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