
Indian Market Is Going To Invest A Lot On The Production Of Active Wear

Indian market is looking for salt-free dyeing technology for knit fabric dyeing, says S. Rajendran, Sr. VP, Businees Head – Textile Engineering Group (Processing & Accessories) & Zonal Head – South India, A.T.E. Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. 

How would you describe your overall experience at ITMA Asia + CITME?
Looking at the current business situation, I really did not expect many Indian customers to visit the exhibition, but next to China, the number of visitors from India was high. While many Chinese machinery manufacturers had their stalls, many Italian manufacturers too participated in the exhibition. Majority of the visitors were from China and South Asia. It is obvious that South Asian countries have become textile manufacturing hub for the global market. It was a good experience to attend the exhibition since it was an opportunity to meet many Indian customers as also to study the global business trend.

Did you see any positive developments in the scenario of the Chinese textile market?
I realized that the textile business in China has not yet recovered, which was confirmed by many of the Chinese machinery manufacturers. Also, I noticed that China is focusing more on cotton and synthetic knit fabric manufacturing. Few top Chinese machinery manufacturers have consolidated their product portfolio to offer a package solution like softflow, jet, beam, package and stenter machines. Many Chinese manufacturers have started focusing on overseas markets and they are working on developing infrastructure to establish their business in overseas markets. It is going to be a tough competition for the European, Turkey and Indian manufacturers in India. The major Chinese manufacturers have started focusing on the Indian market.

From your perspective, what are the anticipated trends and performance expectations for the textile industry in the near future?
In my opinion, the knit business is going to grow overall, especially the Indian market is going to invest a lot on the production of active wear. The Indian market is looking for salt-free dyeing technology for knit fabric dyeing and also many knit processors are switching over from tubular to continuous open width processing. Home textile business is expected to grow further.

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