
Indonesia’s Guideline For Monitoring PSF Raw Material Import

The Indonesian textile industry has received a positive boost with the issuance of a government guideline regulating the import of textile raw materials like MEG, a key raw material for PSF.

This regulation provides clear guidance for industry players in managing imports of raw materials, with the main aim of maintaining stable supply and demand in the country.

The Indonesian Fiber and Filament Yarn Producers Association (APSyFI) welcomed this step, stating that concerns about the scarcity of textile raw materials and textile products had subsided.

The Chairman of APSyFI, Redma Gita Wirawasta said that the technical regulations issued were quite fair and would help maintain a balance between domestic supply and demand.

One of the main concerns is the availability of MEG most of which is still imported from Saudi Arabia.

With demand reaching 600,000 tons per year, while domestic production capacity is only 150,000 tons, the availability of MEG is crucial.

“However, with the new regulation, including a commitment from APSyFI members to optimise use of local MEG, concerns about the scarcity of this raw material can be overcome,” Wirawasta added.

Through the new regulation, each shipment will be monitored and verified for the need and availability of supplies and import quota volume will be adjusted to the needs of each importer.

Thus, with this new regulation, it is hoped that the Indonesian textile industry can continue to develop sustainably, with a maintained supply of raw materials and a balance between production and demand that is well maintained.

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