
Pakistani Cotton Arrivals Soars 97.5% Till Aug 31

Cotton arrivals in Pakistan soared 97.5 percent from a year ago period as on August 31, 2023 to total 3.04 million bales as against 1.53 million bales in the same period last year.

“Pakistan is expecting a bumper cotton output and production may reach the target of 12 million bales in 2023-24,” data from Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) informed.

Of this, cotton arrivals from Punjab reached 1.06 million bales, up 52 percent year on year, while those from Sindh, rose by a massive 136 percent from a year ago period to touch 1.97 million bales.

PCGA has attributed triple gene varieties introduced in recent years, ample water availability, favourable weather and increase in sowing area driven by higher prices and rising demand.

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