
Saurer Continues Tradition Of Launching New Products At ITMA

Saurer Group is known to introduce innovative and interesting textile technologies at every ITMA. This ITMA is no different. From pre-spinning to ring, rotor and air spinning, Saurer has introduced several novelties in sustainability and automation.

At ITMA 2023, the company introduced several new features for ring spinning machine 72XL; a new and updated compact system; a new pressure bar concept; an automation device called Autospin; and a new E-Draft system.

Speaking exclusively with Textile Insights, P. Sivakumar, Global Product Manager Ring at Saurer Textile Solutions Pvt. Ltd., said, “Since we are textile technology leaders, we always continue to introduce new, efficient and sustainable textile technologies.”

At this ITMA, Saurer introduced a new compact system called Impact FX Pro. This is an upgrade of the earlier system with a multi-hole apron and is suitable for mills oriented towards good and higher quality yarn.

This new Impact FX Pro system reduces yarn hairiness by 25 percent compared to the earlier technology. Due to better fibre integration into the yarn, the yarn strength is increased by 2.0-2.5 cN/tex. With this yarn, spinners are also able to generate a better price.

“We have additionally introduced a new pressure bar concept, which improves the guidance of the fibre, due to which the final yarn values like yarn imperfections, yarn CV, yarn evenness, etc. have improved notably,” he added.

“When a spinning mill combines our Impact FX Pro and pressure bar in its ring spinning systems, the final yarn quality will meet the highest yarn quality standards,” Sivakumar explained.

Additionally, the compact system is maintenance free, since cot buffing and cot changing are not required and even regular maintenance is not needed. Only the compact apron has to be replaced as and when needed.

Saurer has always strived to supply maintenance free drive systems to its customers. In drafting too, the company has now come up with a complete electronically controlled drafting system called E-Draft, in which all three rollers are driven by individual motors.

“There are no open gears in the E-Draft System and the spinner only needs to replace the oil. Other than that, they do not need to open the drafting system,” he informed.

Saurer has also come up with a new automation concept called Autospin. In case of yarn breakages, the robot will automatically connect the yarn. When compared with similar solutions available in the market, the Autospin robot can connect the yarn in 30 seconds and the traverse movement of the system is two meters per second.

The robot also takes a new yarn for connecting instead of taking the broken yarn ends from the cops or spindles.  “This also helps to increase the efficiency, when a yarn is connected in the bottom stage of the cops and also avoids yarn body disturbance in the cops,” Sivakumar mentioned.

Our ring spinning machines are offered in two different machine gauges, 68.75 mm gauge for medium and fine counts and 75 mm gauge for coarse counts. Due to this 68.75 mm gauge and the Flexidrive option, the machine length is reduced and available space can be utilised in a better way.

Saurer also supplies ring spinning technologies for chemical fibres and high tensile fibres processing.

According to Sivakumar, nowadays even the mid and small size Indian spinning mills are approaching Saurer for their new and latest technologies. In earlier days, mills used to be worried about the initial capital investment, when investing in the latest technologies. But now they factor in the low maintenance costs also.

“For example, with our ring spinning machines, they don’t have to worry about replacing top arms, spindles, and various other components for around 15 years, because we use only very high-quality components. The spinner only needs to replace the consumables like cots, aprons, belts, etc.” he informed.

“Our customers also save on machine downtime because components need to be changed very less. Just imagine the downtime of 2,016 spindles in a ring spinning machine, which is stopped for replacing components and for maintenance very often,” Sivakumar concluded.

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