74 Sri Lankan Garment Factories GOTS Certified

There has been an increase in Sri Lankan companies obtaining the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), indicating an increased awareness within the industry of the importance of adopting international best practices and sustainable manufacturing.
South Asian Representative of GOTS, Ganesh Kasekar revealed a 21 percent increase in certified facilities compared to 2022 in Sri Lanka, with 74 factories currently holding certification for the period of 2023-2024.
“These Sri Lankan companies include Hirdaramani International Exports, MAS Intimates and Brandix who have obtained GOTS certification for the sustainable production of various garment products,” the Joint Apparel Association (JAAF) noted.
GOTS is recognised as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles manufactured using organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria through the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.
The successful completion of GOTS certification by an approved certifier provides companies with the right to participate in the GOTS program, including using the standard and the GOTS logo on GOTS-approved goods.
With the standard being renewed annually, GOTS 7.0 was launched in March 2023, with full implementation required for all certified entities by March 2024.
Under GOTS, social responsibility is strictly based on the ISO, OECD and ILO conventions and stringently adhered to throughout the supply chain. GOTS 7.0 places additional emphasis on due diligence as an integral component of certification.