September 8, 2024

Indonesian Textile & Apparel Sector Witnesses Growth In April

The Indonesian textile industry has shown encouraging growth in April 2024, overcoming the challenges like unprecedented hike in imported textiles and a decline in domestic demand some time ago.

This was conveyed in the latest release of the Industrial Confidence Index (IKI) by the Ministry of Industry.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif informed that the textile industry successfully experienced expansion in April.

According to the Ministry of Industry, the main factor driving the growth of the textile industry in April are a few government regulations put in place that support industry players.

“We see that perhaps some government policies related to imports of textile products may have started to have an impact,” Arif said.

He expressed hope that the policies to support the local textile industry would continue to spur growth in the future too.

“We hope that the textile industry expands and receives lots of domestic and foreign investment,” he observed.

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