Mag Solvics Receives Prestigious ITAMMA Special R&D Innovation Award 2021-22
Mag Solvics Pvt Ltd has emerged as the recipient of ITAMMA’s Special R&D Innovation Award 2021-22, granted under the “Precitex-ITAMMA Innovation Fund.” This recognition acknowledges Mag Solvics outstanding contributions in the realm of research and development, particularly for their groundbreaking work on the fully automatic cotton fibre tester, known as “HVT Genius 2.”
Baskaran, Vice President of Sales at Mag Solvics, accepted the award, which underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence.
The jury, after careful consideration and evaluation, commended the innovative nature of the product and its process from a user perspective. The decision was also influenced by various other factors, including the qualitative advantage, the background and profile of the R&D activities, the company’s techno-commercial approach and its value proposition.
The jury’s concluding remarks highlighted Mag Solvics fully automatic cotton fibre tester HVT Genius 2 as the pinnacle of R&D and innovation among all nominations, further cementing the company’s reputation as a frontrunner in technological advancement within the industry.
This prestigious award not only recognizes Mag Solvics exceptional achievements but also signifies the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation in the textile industry.