September 8, 2024

Bangla Engineers Identify Challenges Impacting Textile & Apparel Sector

A group of 40 top Bangladeshi textile engineers and entrepreneurs have identified various challenges, inhibiting the growth of the textile and apparel industry in the country.

The engineers met in Dhaka on March 3 under the banner of Textile Engineers – Entrepreneurs.

This group identified skills gap, trust deficit between employers and employees, rising operational cost and declining product prices, unreliable utilities and higher energy cost as major challenges.

They also pointed out to the poor delivery services from government and non-government agencies as major challenges for the two sectors.

The group said they face difficulties in smoothly obtaining services from various government agencies like customs, income tax and the environment department.

The Department for Inspection of Factories and Establishment, Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission, Public Works department and fire services also were cited as stumbling blocks.

They also said they are also not getting impeccable services from non-government agencies like RMG Sustainability Council, trade unions, banking and insurance sectors, consultants and vendors.

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