
CAI Estimates 2022-23 Indian Cotton Crop At 311.18 Lakh Bales

In its latest report, the Cotton Association of India (CAI) has retained its cotton crop estimate for the 2022-23 season at 311.18 lakh bales of 170 kgs each.

The total cotton supply for the months of October 2022 to July 2023 is estimated at 332.30 lakh bales, which consists of arrivals of 296.80 lakh bales, imports of 11.50 lakh bales and opening stock estimated at 24 lakh bales.

Further, the CAI has estimated cotton consumption between October 2022 and July 2023 at 265 lakh bales, while the export shipments up to July 31, 2023 are estimated at 14 lakh bales.

Stock at the end of July 2023 is estimated at 53.30 lakh bales including 28 lakh bales with textile mills and the remaining 25.30 lakh bales with the CCI, Maharashtra Federation and others like ginners, traders, etc.

The CAI has retained its total cotton supply estimate till end of the cotton season 2022-23, up to September 30 at 350.18 lakh bales

The total cotton supply consists of the opening stock of 24 lakh bales at the beginning of the cotton season on October 1, 2022.

The total supply also includes cotton crop for the season estimated at 311.18 lakh bales and imports for the season are estimated at 15 lakh bales.

The domestic consumption for the season is also estimated at 311 lakh bales, while exports for the season have also been retained at 16 lakh bales.

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