
Cambodian Apparel Exports Soar 20.4% Between Jan & April

Cambodian exports of apparel soared to US $2,748 million during the first four months of the ongoing year, up 20.4 percent compared to same months of previous year.

According to a report from the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, footwear exports totaled $453.7 million, a rise of 3.8 percent and travel goods exports stood at $562 million, up 14 percent year on year.

The growth of these three sectors is expected to contribute significantly to Cambodia’s overall economic growth, which is estimated at 5.8 percent this year.

The industries of garments, footwear and travel goods combined account for the largest foreign exchange earners in the Southeast Asian country.

These three sectors encompass about 1,680 factories and providing employment to around 918,000 workers, with a majority being women.

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