
Chinese Companies Account For 71% Of Exhibitors At Paris Show

A total of 1,366 companies from 27 countries and regions participated in the Paris Show, of which the Chinese pavilion hosted 975 fabric and apparel companies, accounting for 71.3 percent of exhibitors at the entire show.

The 27th China Textile & Apparel Trade Show (Paris) held alongside Apparel Sourcing Paris and Texworld Evolution (Collectively called Paris Show), which was held earlier this month saw participation of 1,366 companies from 27 countries.

The Paris Show has been building a unified image for independent Chinese clothing brands in Europe for the past five years.

This year’s Paris Show continued to create a friendly ecosystem for Chinese brands on the platform with a dedicated area to promote the 17 Chinese apparel brands that were selected to represent the Chinese brands’ image this year.

Data from China Customs show that China’s textile and apparel exports to the EU reached €44.31 billion in 2022, a year-on-year growth of 11.4 percent and constitutes around 32.3 percent of EU’s total textile and garment imports.

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