
Italian Textile Machinery Exports Up 15% In 2022

Italian textile machinery production increased 13 percent in 2022 as against 2021, to reach Euro 2.7 billion, while exports rose higher at 15 percent in 2022 to total Euro 2.3 billion.

These figures were presented by outgoing ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi, at the general assembly of ACIMIT. He also added that 2022 marked yet another year of growth for the sector, following the growth recorded in 2021.

“Innovation is no doubt at the heart of the challenges that await Italy’s textile machinery industry in the near future,” Alessandro Zucchi also told the assembled members.

“However, for the second half of 2022, uncertainties due to the current macroeconomic outlook also affected Italian textile machinery sector, showing signs of a general slowdown,” Alessandro Zucchi said.

He was however optimistic of the results of ITMA 2023, which he hoped will play an essential role in providing further growth for 2023.

“Innovation is the discriminating element between those who look to the future with optimism and those who will instead be forced to follow in pursuit,” Alessandro Zucchi informed.

“In the future, innovation will continue to make a difference in our sector, above all in light of strategies put forward by the European Union regarding the so-called Green Deal,” he mentioned.

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