
Karl Mayer Empowers 43 Young Talents To Tackle Worker Shortage

The global concern over a shortage of skilled workers is being actively addressed by Karl Mayer, as the company welcomed 43 young individuals into its ranks on September 1, 2023. These promising talents are embarking on their professional journeys, undertaking training in nine distinct fields of study across eight job areas.

Remarkably, the IT specialist role has emerged as the most sought-after choice among the newcomers, boasting eight trainees, surpassing the previously favoured mechatronics technician position. Notably, Karl Mayer has enlisted the expertise of an e-technology expert with a doctorate and substantial experience in the IT sector to oversee the training. This addition enhances a team already consisting of five highly-experienced trainers and 120 supervisors, all entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and mentoring the new generation.

Karl Mayer’s commitment to addressing the global skilled worker shortage is evident in its investment in these diverse fields of study. With a team of enthusiastic trainers and dedicated supervisors ready to collaborate with the incoming professionals, a promising and productive future is on the horizon.

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