December 22, 2024
Apparel, Fashion, Retail

NCTO Applauds Raising Issue Of China’s Predatory Practices

National Council of Textile Organisations (NCTO) has applauded the actions of a bipartisan group of senators who are raising alarm about the impact of China’s predatory trade practices on the US textile and apparel industry.

NCTO has called on President Joe Biden to lead a multi-agency effort to substantially step up enforcement and develop a strategic plan to combat it.

In the letter to President Biden, the senators warned that without immediate and improved enforcement against these predatory trade practices, the US textile and apparel sector faces a disaster.

“The industry is being overwhelmed by a multitude of compounding factors, including a lack of effective customs enforcement, unfair trade practices fueled by a loophole in US trade law known as ‘de minimis’ shipments, import fraud undermining our free trade agreements (FTAs) and their rules of origin, and forced labour in our supply chains making their way into the United States and through other markets,” NCTO CEO Kim Glas said.

“To maintain the industry’s operations and competitiveness, the administration must take immediate steps to increase its enforcement activities and crack down on systemic abuse that is undermining the very fabric of our domestic textile supply chain and its workforce,” Glas added.

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