March 13, 2025

Textile Exchange’s ETrackit For Tracking Certified Materials

Textile Exchange has unveiled the Electronic Trackit, or eTrackit, which will enhance integrity of supply chain traceability, by tracking the volume of materials certified to Textile Exchange standards.

eTrackit is part of the organisation’s two-tier traceability offering for materials certified to its standards, working alongside dTrackit (Digital Trackit) and is a first of its kind system.

According to Textile Exchange, eTrackit works by electronically tracking certified materials for each key product transformation, as well as every time products are transacted between a seller and a buyer.

Business rules are built into the system, and inventories are transacted in real-time to reduce operational processing and data turnaround time.

“The platform enables the peer-to-peer validation of transactions and leverages third-party certification bodies in the verification process,” Textile Exchange said in a press release.

The Trackit systems aim to increase efficiency throughout the supply chain while also providing brands with the verified data they need to make confident product claims.

This is part of Textile Exchange’s work to accelerate the adoption of preferred materials with beneficial outcomes by further strengthening integrity in its standards.

eTrackit’s initial release application is powered by the traceability platform TextileGenesis. However, Textile Exchange will continue to develop pathways under the Trackit umbrella as the system evolves.

Textile Exchange will collaborate with more solution providers and stakeholders who are working with other traceability solutions once its data evolves.

Eligible, certified brands can now register for eTrackit and begin the process of supply chain mapping. H&M Group, Inditex, and Varner are among the brands supporting this new solution.

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