Uster Highlighting Fiberq & RSO 3D At ITM 2024 Exhibition

At the upcoming ITM 2024, Uster will highlight its Uster FiberQ and RSO 3D, both of which offer an attractive ROI in Hall 7, Booth 714B.
“They also help spinners control the most expensive stages in the mill process, cutting waste and boosting profits,” the Swiss company said in a press release.
According to Uster, field tests show that comprehensive raw material management can save 0.5 to 2 percent of waste.
Raw material accounts for 65-75 percent of the production costs for cotton yarn spinners. Saving even a single percentage of waste here can be significant.
“A cost reduction of US $255,000 per year is typically achieved for a mill with 50,000 spindles, based on Ne 30 yarn with a price of $1.8 USD per kilogram of cotton,” Uster explained.
This savings potential can be tapped with Uster FiberQ, the complete solution for raw material utilisation, supporting spinners’ daily processes, quality consistency, profitability and further growth.
FiberQ software simplifies the process and integrated Uster Application Intelligence cuts through the complexity, unlocking maximum potential.
Uster FiberQ works with a powerful software, analysing fibre data from available inventories and creating consistent and reliable laydowns for optimum quality and performance.
The basis is reliable raw material data, measured by Uster HVI1000. With FiberQ, the Uster fibre classification and analysis system is accessible through a subscription model.
While, Uster RSO 3D is an intelligent combination of Uster Sentinel ring spinning optimisation system, Uster Quantum 4.0 yarn clearers and a linked winding machine with spindle identification.
It adds up to a unique preventive quality control for textile mills. These three dimensions of quality measurement in one system achieve the ultimate goals of process optimization and traceability.
Individual data for each spindle enables quality mapping throughout the ring spinning machine, and any poor quality production is indicated right there.
Outlier cops are ejected through direct machine intervention, before winding. This significantly reduces winder stops and clearer cuts.
The system also guides operators to the exact position where an issue is identified, enabling fast action for minimum losses and maximum profitability.
Spinners know they need to adopt innovative techniques and technologies to meet business challenges and ensure long-term sustainability and profits.
Previously, quality management has been largely based on the experience of mill personnel, with available tools at the level of Excel files.
This resulted in low utilisation of data, because of the complicated and time-consuming processes which even then could not offer best results.
Data-enabled software is the key to progress and success. Uster offers measuring systems and powerful software, analysing data from different sources for optimum yarn quality and performance, every day.