
Aussie Trade Body Pitches For Australian Cotton Mark On Apparel

Aussie cotton trade body Cotton Australia is pushing brands and retailers to apply and display the Australian Cotton mark on their products, from underwear to socks, towels, sheets and clothing.

Cotton Australia said that there has been an increase in retailers and brands applying to use its Australian cotton mark and so Aussie shoppers will see more locally grown cotton products in stores.

Adam Kay, CEO, Cotton Australia said there had been a 91 percent increase in licensed products bearing the mark, totalling almost 29 million items.

“The success was due to a decade of efforts of Cotton Australia which has been working with brands and retailers to encourage them to make their products with cotton grown in Australia,” Kay added.

Cotton grown in Australia is sent to various countries to be converted into yarn, fabrics and then clothing before being sold by Australian retailers and brands.

Cotton is Australia’s fourth-most valuable agricultural export, with last season’s export crop valued at $4.9 billion, an increase of 120 percent over the previous season.

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