
Bangladesh Minister Assures Garment Workers Of Higher Wages

The Bangladesh Minister for Labour, Monnujan Sufian assured workers that the minimum wage would be set higher than that proposed by the Minimum Wage Board, following protests by garment sector workers.

The Minister said that there will be another meeting of Minimum Wage Board on November 1 in which concerns of all stakeholders will be heard and wages will be finalised by November 30.

“The Bangladesh Minimum Wage Board makes a recommendation, which is then passed to the Labour Ministry and then is forwarded to the Prime Minister, who usually increases the amount,” Sufian added.

Monnujan Sufian also requested the workers to stop the protest and return to work and gave an assurance that the government will arrange for an acceptable wage.

Apparel industry workers are on a rampage and are protesting since the Minimum Wage Board announced Taka 10,400 as against the minimum monthly wage demand of Taka 20,393 by workers

The workers are demanding that high inflation and spiraling prices of essential commodities be taken into consideration while considering the minimum wages.

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