
Bangla Garment Factory Crowned As World’s Top LEED Certified

Bangladeshi garment factory SM Sourcing Ltd has been crowned as the world’s top LEED Green Factory ranking, by bagging an inspiring score of 106 out of a possible 110.

Earlier this ranking was held by another Bangladesh garment manufacturing plant of Green Textiles Ltd with 104 points.

The garment industry in Bangladesh has made impressive strides since 54 of the world’s top 100-LEED ranked factories are now located in the country. This includes 9 of the top 10, and 18 of the top 20.

Bangladesh has 206 LEED Green factories, which includes 76 Platinum rated and 116 Gold-rated, with 24 new garment factories certified in only the last six months, which includes16 Platinum and 8 Gold.

The Bangladesh garment industry’s fast rise in LEED-certified green factories in Bangladesh reveals the sector’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

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