January 14, 2025

Better Cotton Responds To Allegations Regarding Cotton Production In Brazil

Better Cotton has addressed the findings of an independent audit regarding allegations concerning cotton production in Brazil’s Matopiba region, as well as outlined steps taken in response to these concerns.

The allegations, initially raised by Earthsight, a non-profit organization, pertain to two companies managing farms in Bahia, Brazil. They include claims of illegal deforestation, land grabbing and coercion of local communities, among other issues.

An independent audit conducted by Peterson, a global advisory firm, confirmed that three farms mentioned in the report were licensed to sell Better Cotton during the specified timeframes and were not in breach of the Better Cotton Standard. Better Cotton’s strategic partner in Brazil, the Brazil Cotton Growers’ Association (ABRAPA), operates the Responsible Brazilian Cotton (ABR) programme, recognized as equivalent to Better Cotton’s standard.

The audit found no evidence linking the accusations by Earthsight to the three farms producing Better Cotton. Nevertheless, the auditor is engaging with the communities involved to address any concerns raised.

Regarding land rights violations, the audit confirmed that the farms are registered with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and certified by IBAMA, complying with national legislation and meeting the ABR standard. Investigations into landowners are ongoing.

Concerning deforestation, fines mentioned in the report predate the farms’ involvement with Better Cotton, with no current areas under embargo. The report found no evidence of illegal pesticide spraying, with aerial sprays being legal since the lifting of embargos in 2018. The farms did not violate legal distancing requirements.

The auditor recommended evolving the ABR standard to focus more on community needs, cultural values and biodiversity conservation, aligning with Better Cotton’s latest standard (v.3.0) adopted in Brazil for the 2024-25 growing season.

Alan McClay, CEO of Better Cotton, emphasized the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement through its latest standard. Better Cotton is actively reviewing benchmark partners’ criteria and considering direct due diligence on large corporate farm owners.

Better Cotton aims to engage stakeholders across the cotton value chain to address adverse impacts associated with cotton production. Efforts to enhance traceability will enable tracking down to the gin level by 2025.

Better Cotton acknowledges Earthsight’s scrutiny and remains dedicated to promoting sustainable agricultural practices globally while supporting cotton communities and environmental conservation.

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