
Cotton Ginners Urge Centre To Defer QCO. Warn of Disruption

The Cotton Association of India (CAI) and other cotton ginning industry bodies urged the Indian government to defer implementation of proposed Quality Control Order (QCO) for cotton bales.

Cotton stakeholders from various states got together in a virtual meeting and decided to form a national body to oppose the implementation of QCO and also represent their interests.

The stakeholders said they are not ready to comply with the IS 1217:2019 standard, prescribed under the QCO, due to which the cotton industry will experience a disruption.

The cotton industry threatened to stop production in the new season and boycott the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) tender process if the QCO was enforced without their consent.

The Central Government had issued QCO for cotton bales in February 2023, aimed at checking imports of sub-standard cotton and improve the quality of India’s textile exports.

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