July 27, 2024

Better Cotton Programme To Support Chad Farmers

Cotontchad, a Chad based aggregator and exporter of cotton convened a multi-stakeholder event in Chad to explore the potential for a Better Cotton Programme.

Better Cotton, Cotontchad, and IDH gathered key stakeholders from Chad’s cotton industry in the country’s capital, N’Djamena, to discuss the potential for the launch of a new Better Cotton Programme.

The multistakeholder event included participants from national ministries, cotton farmer representatives, private sector actors and civil society organisations.

The event promoted dialogue on perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in sustainable agriculture in the cotton sector in Chad.

Cotontchad supports around 200,000 smallholder farmers in Chad and via financial aid and allocation of resources; it has helped increase yields from 17,500 tons in 2019 to more than 145,000 tons in 2022.

IDH is also firmly committed to supporting the sustainable development of the cotton growing region of Chad.

Supporting Cotontchad alongside Better Cotton will benefit close to 200,000 farmers, strengthening international market linkages.

This will contribute directly to the broader regional development objectives of the Climate Resilient Cotton Landscape which Better Cotton is convening in Chad.

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