
Pakistan Cotton Arrivals Higher By 82% Till October 31

Cotton arrivals in Pakistan ginning factories till October 31 were 82 percent higher than the production of the cotton crop for the same period in the previous season.

Data released by the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) revealed that around 6.8 million cotton bales arrived at the ginning factories till Oct 31 percent, which is 82 percent higher year over year.

According to PCGA, just 3.7 million bales arrivals were recorded at the same time in the previous season, as the crop had been wrecked by floods, witnessing a 34 percent drop in the same period in the earlier season

Punjab ginning factories reported a 43 percent increase or 2.99 million bales compared to 2.09 million bales for the same period in the last season.

The cotton crop in Sindh province which was the most affected by the 2022 floods, posted a record 132 percent climb in cotton arrivals at 3.79 million bales as against 1.63 million bales in the previous season.

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