Radicigroup Unveils Physical & Digital Nylon Traceability Platform

RadiciGroup has launched its first physical and digital nylon traceability project and as its first application has introduced a gilet made from the yarn manufactured in one of its industrial sites.
“The QR code on the garment can reveal its origin and display information about its production process,” the manufacturer of Nylon 6.6 fibre said in a press release.
The project was made possible by a partnership with FibreTrace, which allows nylon yarns to be traced both physically and digitally.
In fact, RadiciGroup inserts a tracer also called an inorganic additive that is uniquely associated with the yarn and remains identifiable throughout all stages on both the fabric and the finished garment.
“The tracer does not alter the esthetical, functional and technical performance of the yarns in any way,” the Italian company added.
In terms of digital traceability, during the production stages a scanner detects the presence of the tracer and can transmit the data relating to provenance onto a dedicated digital platform.
Finally, the consumer, via a QR code, can access the digital platform that provides all information concerning the provenance of the product and its journey through the supply chain.
We are very proud to bring to the market the first physical and digital nylon traceability solution and we plan to extend this initiative to our other fibres,” Filippo Bona from RadiciGroup said.
According to RadiciGroup, traceability boosts consumer awareness of where clothes are really produced so people can make more sustainable buying choices.
Moreover, traceability helps combat counterfeit goods and encourage products that are made in Europe, in line with the principles of Digital Product Passport Regulations promoted by the EU.