
Bangladesh Tops List With 202 Green Certified Garment Factories

Bangladesh which has 202 green certified garment factories tops the list with the maximum number of green certified apparel factories among all countries in the world

Bangladesh is currently the second largest worldwide apparel exporter which totaled $45 billion in the previous fiscal ending June 30, 2023.

“Additionally, the South Asian country which has a global clothing export market share of 7.9 percent has been very active in reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact,” Mongabay reported.

“The garment industry is responsible for 10 percent of carbon emissions yearly and if the present pace of greenhouse gas emissions continues, it will surge by more than 50 percent by 2030,” the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said.

A green certified factory is equipped with design and processes that limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce energy usage and environmental pollution.

China, the biggest garment exporter in the world has 173 green certified factories while Mexico has 77 and Bangladesh’s closest competitor in clothing exports, Vietnam has 69 green factories.

Vietnam is followed by India and Taiwan, both with 49 green certified factories each; Turkey with 43 and finally Sri Lanka has 32 green certified apparel factories.

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