Brazil Forecast To Become Biggest Cotton Exporter

Brazil may overtake the US and become the world’s biggest cotton exporter as Texas; the main cotton producing region in the US has been impacted by droughts and heat waves.
If the US cotton crop continues to be impacted, Brazil can easily overtake the US and become the largest cotton exporter
Brazil and the US are the world’s biggest cotton exporters who together account for 50 percent of world supply
“The US is forecast to export 12.5 million cotton bales in the 2023-24 season, but due to the drought conditions this figure may reduce,” Gustavo Vigano, VP of the Brazilian Cotton Producers Association, told Xinhua.
As a result, Brazil, with an export expectation of 11.25 million bales in the 2023-24 season, the South American country may become the world’s largest exporter.
“Moreover, US cotton quality has not been as good in recent years due to droughts, while Brazil has very good quality because of its rainfall pattern,” Vigano said.
The US cotton crop is only one grade above its worst level on record, as about 40 percent of its production is coming from drought-stricken areas, including nearly all of Texas.