December 6, 2024

Kraig Biocraft Labs Announces Record-Breaking BAM-1 Spider Silk Production

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. announces record-setting progress in the production of its BAM-1 spider silk hybrid strain, noting unprecedented growth in silkworm size, growth, and robustness.

In early June, the company accelerated its production schedule for the new BAM-1 hybrids following successful spring production trials. The first batch of these production hybrids is now well underway. This batch not only represents the largest single production in the Company’s history but is also the most vigorous and robust.

At over ten times the size of the spring trials, this production batch is challenging the Company’s operational team to demonstrate the rapid scalability of its spider silk production technology. The rearing protocols and systems established during the spring trials are being validated by this batch.

“Our mission has been, and will continue to be, the rapid commercialization of cost-effective and environmentally responsible spider silk production,” said CEO and Founder Kim Thompson. “The development of the BAM-1 hybrids and the systems we have implemented with our operations team are rapidly transitioning that mission into reality.”

The Company expects to share reports on the cocooning and processing results of this BAM-1 recombinant spider silk batch in the coming weeks. Kraig Biocraft Laboratories is taking bold steps to meet its metric ton production targets as it aggressively advances its production capabilities.

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