Tirupur Dyers Share Concerns With Minister Darshana Jardosh

Office bearers of the Dyers Association of Tirupur met Darshana Jardosh, Minister of State for Textiles and submitted a letter sharing their concerns.
The delegation from the Dyers Association of Tirupur included President P Gandhirajan, Treasurer BA Madeswaran, CEO BM Boopathi and Coordinator JV Sureshkumar.
The delegation requested the Minister to implement a new incentive scheme in place of ATUF scheme, which was terminated with effect from April 1, 2022.
According to the dyers, dyeing units are the backbone of garment manufacturing and investment in machinery by dyeing units is quite high compared to garment manufacturing units.
As the industry has invested more than Rs 1,000 crores in machinery since April 1, 2022 anticipating the new incentive scheme, they requested implementing new scheme with retrospective effect from April 1, 2022.
They also requested the Minister to recommend to Ministry of Environment for sanction of subsidy for renewable energy projects to be implemented in Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) at Tirupur.
“The CETPs are protecting environment by implementing Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system which facilitates prevention of water pollution by recycling 12 crore litre daily,” they stated.