
USDA Forecasts Aussie Cotton Crop At 5mn Bales In 2023-24

Australia’s cotton production in the current season is forecast to rise by 200,000 bales to reach 5 million bales in the 2024-2025 cotton season, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) said in its report

The Aussie cotton crops are likely to benefit from average rainfall during the southern hemisphere winter and spring and the area planted with cotton has also increased in the 2024-25 season.

A majority of Australia’s cotton is cultivated in autumn in the southern hemisphere and is harvested between April and June.

Australia accounts for around 10-15 percent of worldwide cotton exports and ships a majority of its cotton to various textiles producing countries

Cotton Australia, a cotton industry association had earlier said that the country would produce at least 4.5 million bales as widespread rainfall is expected to boost cotton crop yields.

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